If I Had a Hammer Scanner
Imagine you had some scanner that could probe the whole Internet with regards to major content management systems within minutes. What would you make it do?
An Introduction to Unit Testing (for WordPress)
Talking about “testable code” is usually done in the context of unit testing. Writing testable code thus requires understanding unit testing. Learn it now.
Disable User Admin Language in WordPress
So you want to disable the new User Admin Language feature introduced in WordPress 4.7? Well, this post shows how to do this.
JavaScript 30 – Day 7: Array Cardio 2
This is my recap post for Day 7 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to explore new JavaScript array functions.
JavaScript 30 – Day 6: Typeahead
This is my recap post for Day 6 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to realize an input with typeahead functionality.
JavaScript 30 – Day 5: Flex Panels Image Gallery
This is my recap post for Day 5 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to build an image gallery with JavaScript and flexbox.
JavaScript 30 – Day 4: Array Cardio 1
This is my recap post for Day 4 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to internalize prominent JavaScript array functions.
JavaScript 30 – Day 3: CSS Variables and JS
This is my recap post for Day 3 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to use JavaScript to manipulate CSS variables.
JavaScript 30 – Day 2: CSS + JS Clock
This is my recap post for Day 2 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to build a clock with vanilla JavaScript and CSS only.
JavaScript 30 – Day 1: JavaScript Drum Kit
This is my recap post for Day 1 of the FREE JavaScript 30 online video course by Wes Bos. The task is to build a JavaScript drum kit.