Over the years, I have been using innumerable open source projects, and I am thankful to all the people who worked on these. One of the best things of open source is that it is so easy to give back—so that’s what I did, and still do. This page provides an overview of my contributions to various open source projects, most of which in the WordPress universe.

Personal Contributions

The following list contains projects that I created myself and that are therefore contributions to open source in and of themselves:

  • Adorable Avatars | This plugin integrates the Adorable Avatars avatar placeholder service into WordPress.
  • Bring Back the Get Shortlink Button | This plugin brings back the Get Shortlink button, which is hidden by default since WordPress 4.4.
  • Default Post Date | Define an individual default post date that is to be used when adding a new post.
  • Dobby | Dobby, the friendly Admin Elf, takes care of all your (unwanted) admin notices.
  • External Content | This plugin registers a custom post type to handle external content like any other post. The post permalink is replaced by a custom post meta that holds an external URL.
  • grunt-delegate | Run a task (and an optional target) while using an arbitrary set of files to run checks against.
  • Highlight.js Syntax Highlighter | A simple Highlight.js-based syntax highlighter plugin for WordPress.
  • Linked Taxonomies | Link two (or more) taxonomies and synchronize their terms.
  • Meta Taxonomy | This plugin registers a taxonomy that provides a high-performance means to query posts in a somewhat meta-based way.
  • Octobox Web Extension | Makes your GitHub notifications icon link to Octobox instead of GitHub.
  • Page Keys | Register page keys, assign actual WordPress pages to them, and access each page by its individual key.
  • Progress Bars | This plugin registers a configurable shortcode to render HTML5 <progress> elements.
  • React Beginner Workshop | React beginner workshop (WordCamp Retreat Soltau 2018).
  • Snowbirdie | A Snowbird child theme.
  • Template-based Meta Boxes | Show or hide specific page meta boxes according to the currently selected page template.
  • Text Modules | Use the new Text Modules custom post type and display a text module by either shortcode or widget.
  • tf Song List | tf Song List is an easy-to-use song listing plugin for bands and solo musicians.
  • tfinvoice | Simple invoices with built-in calculation.
  • That Was Helpful | Find out what posts logged-in users found helpful.
  • Unit Test Examples | Example code for my talks and workshops on unit testing.
  • WordCamp Europe 2018 Unit Testing | Code for the workshop “An Introduction to Unit Testing (for WordPress)” at WordCamp Europe 2018.

Human Made Contributions

Working as a Senior and Principal WordPress Engineer at Human Made, I contributed to the following open source projects:

  • Altis CMS | Content management module for Altis.
  • Altis Developer Tools | Developer tooling for Altis.
  • Altis Developer Tools Command | Developer Tools module command for Altis.
  • Altis Enhanced Search | Powerful search features for Altis.
  • Altis Local Server | Local development server for Altis.
  • AMF WordPress | Use another WordPress site as source for your media library.
  • Asset Loader | PHP utilities for WordPress to aid including dynamic Webpack-generated assets in themes or plugins.
  • Asset Manager Framework | A framework for overriding the WordPress media library with an external asset provider, such as a DAM.
  • Authorship | A modern approach to author attribution in WordPress.
  • AWS X-Ray | HM Platform AWS X-Ray integration.
  • Block Development Playground | A local Altis development environment designed for learning Gutenberg, the new WordPress Block Editor!
  • Block Editor Components | Reusable components, hooks and helper functions for the WordPress block editor(s).
  • Cavalcade | A better wp-cron. Horizontally scalable, works perfectly with multisite.
  • Falcon | Connect WordPress to your inbox, and party like it’s ’88.
  • hm-linter bot | Automatically run the HM Coding Standards on any repository.
  • HM Proxy Access | WordPress plugin to control access via proxies.
  • Human Made Coding Standards | Human Made coding standards for modern code.
  • Human Made Gutenberg Tools | Useful helpers, components or tools for building things with Gutenberg.
  • Orphan Command | WP-CLI command to list and delete orphan WordPress entities and metadata.
  • Propose Draft Date | A plugin to propose a publish date while writing posts as a contributing author.
  • Publication Checklist | Run checks and enforce conditions before posts are published. Built and designed for the WordPress block editor.
  • react-wp-scripts | Integrate create-react-app with your WordPress theme/plugin.
  • Repress | Connect your Redux store to the WordPress REST API.
  • See in REST API | Quickly request the current resource off the WordPress REST API via the WordPress admin bar.
  • sync-branches | GitHub Action to sync one branch when another is updated.
  • Webpack Helpers | Reusable Webpack configuration components & related helper utilities.
  • WordPress Simple SAML | Easy to use Single-sign-on (SSO) SAML integration plugin for WordPress, with multi-site/multi-network support.

Syde Contributions

During my work as WordPress and Principal Engineer at Syde, I made the following open source contributions:

intermedi8 Contributions

When working as PHP and WordPress developer at intermedi8, I made the following contributions to open source software:

Other Contributions

And here are all contributions that are neither personal, nor related to Inpsyde:

  • 10up Component Library | A library of barebones front-end components built with WordPress and accessibility in mind.
  • 30 Seconds of PHP Code | A curated collection of useful PHP snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
  • Advanced React & GraphQL | Starter Files and Solutions for Full Stack Advanced React and GraphQL.
  • Antispam Bee | Easy and extremely productive spam-fighting plugin with many sophisticated solutions. Includes privacy hints and protection against trackback spam.
  • Avada Kedavra | Disables all WordPress shortcodes registered by the active theme.
  • babel-plugin-classnames | Never import classnames again! Converts arrays of classnames to a call of a function of your choice.
  • Backing Tracks i18n | Internationalization files of Backing Tracks mobile app.
  • Brain Monkey |Mocking utility for PHP functions and WordPress plugin API.
  • Camptix Invoices | A WordPress plugin that generates invoices for tickets purchased through Camptix.
  • Composer | Dependency Manager for PHP.
  • Dashicons | Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font.
  • Editor Block Outline | Add outline around Gutenberg blocks while editing.
  • ElasticPress | A fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress.
  • Flexbox Froggy | A game for learning CSS flexbox.
  • Gravity PDF | Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin | Minify PNG and JPEG images.
  • Gutenberg | Printing since 1440. Development hub for the editor focus in core.
  • Hot-Reloading Utilities for the WordPress Block Editor | Easily autoload and hot-reload WordPress “Gutenberg” block editor plugins & blocks.
  • JS Tips | This is about useful JS tips!
  • Liveblog | Liveblogging done right. Using WordPress.
  • Mockery | Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework.
  • Monolog | Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services.
  • OAuth2 | Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password.
  • Octobox | Take back control of your GitHub Notifications.
  • Offline Mode for WordPress | Use WordPress without all online-checks. Deactivate autoupdate for core, plugins and themes.
  • Patchwork | Method redefinition (monkey-patching) functionality for PHP.
  • PHP Community-driven Standards | PHP CDS is not a group or organisation, it’s a concept. Its core idea is for the community to create RFCs, discuss them, then hold a vote on their acceptance as a community standard.
  • php-crashers | Example scripts that cause segfaults in PHP.
  • PhpStorm Workshop | Code for the PhpStorm workshop.
  • phulp | The task manager for php.
  • psr7-middlewares | Collection of PSR-7 middlewares.
  • ReactSnippets | Live Templates for React.
  • React For Beginners | Starter files for learning React.js with React for Beginners.
  • RTLCSS | Framework for transforming Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from Left-To-Right (LTR) to Right-To-Left (RTL).
  • Snowbird | A responsive WordPress blog theme crafted specially for storytellers.
  • Stringintelligenz | Inclusive WordPress localization.
  • symexbib | A bibliography of papers related to symbolic execution.
  • Twenty Sixteen | Twenty Sixteen is a theme now included in all WordPress installs.
  • ViSTA VR toolkit | ViSTA is a software platform that allows integration of VR technology and interactive, 3D visualization into technical and scientific applications.
  • Woocommerce Germanized | Adapt WooCommerce to the German Market with WooCommerce Germanized.
  • WordCamp PWA Page | Provides a mobile friendly, app-style template with timely schedule information to use as a front page with PWA features during a WordCamp.
  • WordPress | Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS.
  • WordPress Coding Standards | PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions.
  • WordPress-Gear | A bunch of gear for WP developers.
  • WP Admin Notices | An API for registering and rendering WordPress admin notices.
  • WP Cypress | WordPress end to end testing with Cypress.io.
  • WP Find Shared Terms | Find shared terms in your WP install that may be split in WordPress 4.2+.
  • WP_Mock | WordPress API Mocking Framework.
  • WP-API | Access your WordPress site’s data through an easy-to-use HTTP REST API.
  • WP-CLI | The command line interface for WordPress.
  • wp-cli/db-command | Perform basic database operations using credentials stored in wp-config.php.
  • WPMeetup Widget deutschsprachig | Alle deutschsprachigen WP Meetups – in einem Widget.
  • Yoast SEO | Yoast SEO for WordPress.
  • zgrab | Application layer scanner that operates with ZMap.

Confession: I shamelessly stole the idea for a page like this from Alain Schlesser. 🙂